The City Council has received complaints of pet waste in the park and would like to remind residents to pick up after their pets.
If you are a pet owner, please be respectful of your neighbors’ use of the park. In case you are not aware, the Wabasso City Ordinance requires that pet owners pick up after their pets and properly dispose of the waste. All pet owners are urged to abide by the law so that the unsightly and unhealthy appearance of pet waste on the grounds can be eliminated. Please be reminded that pet owners who fail to abide by the City Ordinance can be fined by the City.
All residents are asked to take pride in the community by adhering to the City Ordinance regarding disposal of pet waste. If all pet owners practice proper pet waste disposal as mentioned above, the eyesore and health hazard created by pet waste in the community can be eliminated. The City Council thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.